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Old 06-16-2010, 03:56 AM
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Chaloupa Chaloupa is offline
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Location: Campbell River, B.C.
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Originally Posted by Polscot View Post
once isnt brought over the boarder its shipped......
Does it just "bypass" the border then? It still crosses the border. Be it shipped which they WILL open or if it's traveling in a car..either way it still crosses the border meaning it must have a CITIES permit.

You are lucky to be where you are, there are a TON of nice LFS, and a ton of excellent reefers. I think why you may find people are a little sensitive when you throw out the US pricing is that we've all made contacts with some very good LFS's and understand the way that they have to do business. A lot of us have become friendly or friends with them...they don't just jack up prices to gauge every reefer, they sell for a decent price to try to cover the overhead costs so when you need someone they are still there to help you or provide you with something you may need. Sorry, gonna happen. Not all LFS are jerks. Just go by what other people tell you and go in and see for yourself. Then when you have an issue or question......try to contact the person you bought stuff from in the US....or hey, go to your LFS that may have even 1 person that knows his or her stuff and get their advice...and weird, you don't even have to pay for the advice, but the store owner still has to pay the employee to give that advice. It's all relative.
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