our lfs (we only have one) sells live rock for 11$ per pound corals are decently priced but everything fish wise is doubled what i see everywhere but if you take shipping to account it still saves me money in the long run. as i have seen on some ppls signatures it costs what it costs. it is not a cheap addiction/hobby to be in.
but the outcome is so worth it when you have company and hear the oooss and aweeees. and some day if all luck and sweat and tears subside you may actually have your addiction pay for more of the addiction. and the cycle continues. i wish i lived in bc of alberta to be able to check out the lfs there i am so jealous but nooooo i like in the crotch of canada in "the city that rhymes with fun" (quoted by the rolling stoneswhen they played here)
just my 2cents if you can get deals go for it but not all deals work out.