Heck no I can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke. I recently lost a good friendship over it. She kept coming to my house and being inconsiderate with her smokes. I would make her go outside on the patio and she would complain. Then she'd insist on having to keep the door open even though the smoke was wafting in and complain I wanted it closed. Then she'd insist on putting out her smokes in my plant pots instead of the ash tray and complain I wanted her to pick them out. Then one Friday night we were having drinks and she flipped out on me for not letting her smoke INSIDE, and at that point I asked her to stop smoking at my house entirely, even on the patio.
And that's what ended our friendship. I'm a "bad host, bla, bla, bla..."
Last edited by Megalodon; 06-15-2010 at 10:19 PM.