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Old 06-15-2010, 08:48 PM
Steve_the_nucks_fan's Avatar
Steve_the_nucks_fan Steve_the_nucks_fan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Coquitlam
Posts: 52
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Cool SOLD!!!! FS: oceanic bio cube 14 gallon with everything to get started

I'm selling my 14 gallon oceanic bio cube just a month old
comes with the following
half bucket of h2 ocean salt
test kit (ph,ammonia,nitrate,nitrite)
syphon filter
rubber gloves
two things I'd dry food
a bunch of frozen food
protien skimmer
hydroy korilia 2 (used for mixing salt)
extra buckets for mixing salt
has no sand or live rock with it.
Asking $350 (I paid $285 for just the tank and heater)
please pm me if you have any questions or want me to email you pictures?
Thx steve
GO CANUCKS GO. Woooooooooo!!!
[color=red]14gal oceanic biocube.
so far i have, 1-maroon clown, 1-dark orange clown, 1-domino damsel, 1-green chromis, 4-red scarlett hermit crabs, 2-blue legged hermit crabs, 3-margarits snails.

Last edited by Steve_the_nucks_fan; 08-13-2010 at 05:56 AM.
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