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Old 06-14-2010, 08:28 PM
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eternitybc eternitybc is offline
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Default Mini or full cycle

Hi All,

So we are finally recovering from our flood. I have just finished setting up the 55 gallon tank again plus have the new 30g sump \ refugium up and running. I'm wonder if I’m going to have to wait another 2-3 weeks for a full cycle or if it’s just going to be a mini one? The 50 #'s of live rock was kept in my bath tub with a power head and heater for about 3 months which had very little light but salinity was kept in check. However, the sand was dried out and cleaned. So far (Day 3) I have a .50 Ammonia reading. Everything else is spot on. Would all the bacteria on the rocks have died or is the sand causing the spike? Thanks!
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