FS: Extra stuff
I am coming to Calgary this friday so I can bring anything anyone wants to buy.
I am wanting to expand into another project with my reptiles so all the equipment from my hording is going up. If I dont need it its here.
I am willing to ship for anyone out of town who is wanting some stuff.
Sunlight Supply 24" 8 bulb Fixture $125
Maxi Jet 1200 $20
Maxi Jet 400 $10
Maxi Jet 900 $15
Korlia 4 Modded $45
Petcetra Powerhead $5 PH-125
2x Aquaclear 20 Powerhead $5ea
Whisper Internal Filter. Needs new cartridge $5
Aqua Euro USA Becket Downdraft Skimmer in Sump $225
Mag 18 $125
3x Sureflow Kit $15 take all 3 for $30
SureGrip Magnet 50 $20
Marineland Premium carbon 3.65L 1/4 full $5
Hydor L35 Pump $30
Tetra Deep Water Air Pump $5
Assorted PVC $30
- Everything from 1/2"-1.5" stuff.
- Bulkheads, elbows, barbs, strainers lots of stuff.
3/4" Locline $15
"Y", MPT Connector, 3/4 - 1/2" adapter x2
1/2" Locline $7
Flare Nozzle x2
3x med SPS skeletons and about a dozen small SPS skeletons. Good for calcium reactor, decoration, or just in a sump. $20
Ocean Nutrition Formula One Pellet 200g 1/3 full. $5
Tetra Marine Flake 52g Full $5
Fauna Marine Ultra Wakame Algea 250ml Full $10
New Life Spectrum TheraA 300g 7/8 full $15
New Life Spectrum Saltwater Fish 150g 3/4 full $10
New Life Spectrum Cichlid Formula $300g full $15
Cyclop-eeze 1/4 full $2
or all for $50
Pinpoint PH Monitor Needs new probe $15
Kent Lugols Iodine 30ml 3/4 full $5
Eshops Corner Frag Rack $20
Eshops Straight Frag Rack $20
Or both $35
Dry Liverock 2x 1lb each. $5 both
Deep Six Hydrometer $5
PM or email please. Ill update as stuff sells. I can send pictures upon request for serious buyers.
Prices are best offer.