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Old 06-12-2010, 04:54 PM
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TheKid TheKid is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 309
TheKid is on a distinguished road

I was just sharing my sentiments with you guys, as being a child with a mother who smokes and has for over thirty years it's a hard thing to see her health slowly deteriorate because of stupid piece of paper wrapeed over a plant. Unfortunately I know smoking will kill my mom but apparently although she won't admit it is the fact that smoking is more important than the time she will be on earth. And then when she gets a cancer she will be regreatting that she ever tried it and then she will quit. These are my 2 cents and this is where I will my conversation.

Formally known as Svaningen
35 gallon Red Sea Max
Only 16 years old!!!!
CALL AFTER 3:00 ON WEEKDAYS. 604 782 3313
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