Originally Posted by Dez
It seems that you "win" quite a few doorprizes at reef meets 
I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about

Although I plan on winning something from Blue world for their 1 yr anniversary prize
Originally Posted by christyf5
Bwaahahahahahahha!!! I'm gonna have to use that one!!! 
He doesn't seem to complain as long as he doesn't think I paid for it. Good thing I have a lot of reef friends who work with me on getting stuff
Originally Posted by Lance
There's always the good old faithful: "It followed me home, what could I do?" If it works for puppies and kittens it should for Tangs & Wrasses.
I used to try that but he only got annoyed with me.
Originally Posted by Edmonton newbie
that it followed me home what could i do? worked from my girl today when she came home with a tiny lil clown trigger only about 3/4 inch long
Guess it works better when the guy is into the hobby and wants more fish.
Originally Posted by Chaloupa
It won't work quite as well for me....as the tank is at the store....I could say "it jumped"~ to the new tank....what do you think?
I love it, you should definitely use that one