Originally Posted by christyf5
+1 I hear ya on that front. I schedule all my frag arrivals for Fridays, my day off. Then I can hide the evidence in the recycle bin. He never notices anything new in the tank (even fish  )
Originally Posted by marie
My husband notices everything new in the tank....luckily he never makes any comments on prices lol
Originally Posted by Chaloupa
My husband is actually very very good with my hobby. He just rolls his eyes every now and then....but I got in a GORGEOUS Sailfin Tang on Wednesday, and right away he's telling me how good it's going to look in the display tank!!! Not, how much we selling that for or anything...just how good it's going to look in the display!!! (Didn't actually get it for the display but that's ok!)  He does like the hobby and even though he gripes every now and then, he's been really good. HOWEVER, he sure doesn't love the Vancouver Fish Shop "tour". I mean, you have GOT to hit them all, and then if you see something you like, you DO have to observe it for quite some time, then chat up the employees and such. Usually he goes back out to the truck to play on my iPhone. But, he's been very very patient!
I wish on all accounts. Steve eventually (sometimes it takes him a few days but no longer then a week) notices anything I put into the tank. He was the one who started the hobby but now wants nothing to do with it, he wishes we'd shut everything down and sell it all, I say I don't think so, I wont allow that to happen. He mostly complains about how much money I'm constantly spending and how high my line of credit is because of it. He's also stopped going to lfs with me because he hates how long I take in them, but I'm with Sarah you have to look at everything and chat with everyone