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Old 06-08-2010, 09:04 PM
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Originally Posted by abcha0s View Post
Are you planning to put all of your coral back in? - From the pictures of the tank shut down, there was a lot. Just wondering if there will be enough space?

How did you attach the rocks with acrylic rods? - Did you drill holes in the rock first?

Anyway - the tank looks great.
Hey Brad

I still have alot of coral to go back in, and this was most of my previous live rock, there was very little left.

I think there should be enough room for the corals to all fit in again, I will be stocking it with more stylos and poccis, than any other corals, I would like to have a more natural look, fewer corals but larger in size.

yes, the rock was predrilled then washed in a seperate saltwater bath, then epoxy, then the rod, then started skewering the rock, it was alot easier than I expected.
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