Well I will start off by telling every one all the tanks I had in the last year. I started up my old 29 gallon biocube in may of 2009, in september I got a red sea max 250, then in like february i got my 220 gallon tank. About 3 weeks ago I found out that I had to move so i decided to get an new tank again. lol I bought a 240 gallon 96 x 24 x 24 tank from marine aquaria. I set up the tank on may 29 and moved everything the following thursday.
This picture was taken on the 1st of june.

This is another picture taken on thursday the 3rd

and a couple on saturday

and my crosshatch trigger
With the rush during the move I accidently put a few of my sps to close to the top and they bleached. If they dont make it that will be the only casualties of the move. There will be many more pictures to come later on.