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Old 06-06-2010, 04:16 PM
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lockrookie lockrookie is offline
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it may not be you peeing on your hands its the ones who do and touch the toilet you could have numerous samples from various donors. i use hands sanitizer after working at some ppl homes just rekeying thier locks. i feel like i need a shower after ... friday a landlord was kicking out tennants due to smell and sanitation.. for good reason i wish i had a gas mask. and i didnt even enter the home other than at each entrance. scary part is they had two kids living in there..tis sad

Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
Ya I'd say at least 60 times a day. However they're not to bad but I notice that if I forget to put lots of hand cream on throughout the day then they get really dry and will crack. I work in an infant room so after every diaper change (6 kids to change at least 4 times a day) nose wipe, child coughing on me, food prep work etc. etc. I wash my hands. Also after every time I use the bathroom, because even though I don't pee on my hands, it's still gross to use the bathroom and not wash up after.
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