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Old 06-05-2010, 12:42 AM
trinac trinac is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 121
trinac is on a distinguished road

A clown was one of my first fish. Mine is a maroon clown and I think its pretty awesome. The other fish that I got at first were a couple chromis. They are cheap, but stupid and mine have been given their eviction notice. They are outta here! Eventually anyways. I wish I got a fairy wrasse or christmas wrasse instead. That would be my suggestion. They are pretty and swim around a lot, seem to be on the easier side to keep, and not on the belligerent side. But not exactly the least expensive fish. Do you have the "Reef Aquarium Fishes" book? I choose my fish based on this book. Sometimes the fish stores are more excited to sell you any fish than what will actually work in your tank plans. I also chose my fish based around my dream fish if I ever see it. I want a blue spotted boxfish eventually so I got all fish that aren't going to scare the living daylights out of it.

But then again.. if you get a chromis and things head south, then you have only a $5 expense instead of $40 or more... You have a massive tank though, and loads of rock, I wouldn't get too paranoid. But then again, what do I know? haha
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