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Old 06-04-2010, 12:40 AM
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VFX is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by schroedel View Post
Thanks! I am excited to get it. The only bad thing is it is now overshadowed by the news today of my dog having bone cancer.
I did not want to say that I am in California. Thought you guys would boot me.
Sorry to hear about your dog

Hope his progress is as painless as possible

Anyway, I just wanted to say that Paul & Ian at O.C. were kind enough to unwrap their demo unit for me to see. It's a very impressive unit & I'm sure you'll be more than happy with it. The LED strips are very cool indeed.

It's on my list & I almost ordered a 4ft one this week but looks like I might be upgrading to a 6ft tank (Paul maybe you'll give me a great offer on your demo unit )

Oh & don't worry about being in Cali, I'm in Chilliwack and most Canreefers don't hold it against me (well not to my face at least!).

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