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Old 06-01-2010, 06:25 PM
oceaniccorals-Ron- oceaniccorals-Ron- is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2010
Location: White Rock
Posts: 5
oceaniccorals-Ron- is on a distinguished road

I’m really excited to join the Oceanic team. The guys at Oceanic Corals aren’t just vendors, they’re enthusiastic hobbyists as well and they have an obvious desire to offer our community the best equipment and livestock.

I’m looking forward to my R&D role and working with the rest of the group to develop some exciting new products to make our tanks work better. But our goal is also to be leaders in value and offer the best technologies at the best price possible.

As many of you have seen I have been spending a bunch of time working on my own DIY LED lighting and our initial developments are focused on that experience. I firmly believe that LEDs are the future or reef aquarium lighting and we have some great ideas to bring that to the end users. It’s going to take a bit of time to turn those ideas into products but I think we will have some compelling offerings in the not to distant future.

I also hope to be able to bring you updates on some of our R&D activities so you can see how LEDS sustain coral growth and colour. More to follow soon…