Originally Posted by lockrookie
im happy.... found out a few weeks ago that my wife and i are expecting our first.. im still trying to convince her i need to set up a tank beside the crib for the baby to watch...so far im turned down 
Originally Posted by jorjef
Good god man....I can tell it's your first...You must stop all non baby related conversations you are having with Pam immediately! Especially aquarium related ones. You don't understand the storm of irrational, some rational emotions a brew'in in Pam...Focus on the baby and all things about the baby, if only for practice... for what surely in time will come........Check chapter 14 of the "Secrets to Survival" A day with your pregnant wife.
also dont be alarmed if for no apparent reason your significant other decided that they don't like a certain food anymore. When my sister was preggos she asked me to make a tomato sauce using meat. half way through cooking it she made me throw out the beef because she didn't like the smell anymore. I don't know how her husband put up with that all the time. One day i'll find out i guess