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Old 05-30-2010, 07:31 PM
staffordreef staffordreef is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Lethbridge Alberta
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staffordreef is on a distinguished road
Default Selling 60 gallon complete system - well established perfect for beginner

Due to changing time constraints I am in the position of having to part with my tank. It has been running as a softie tank for approximately 13 years. In its current configuration for 6 years since our last move. Some of the pieces I have had for 10 plus years. In recent years have added few LPS and SPS coral (including a plate coral that has been doing well for 4 years). Numerous soft corals - mushrooms, clove polyps, various xenia, toadstool, yellow tree, anthelia, gorgonians.... Rock is completely covered in coralline algae and life including tube worms and clams. Currently three fish - flame hawk that was first fish I added 13 years ago. Also rabbit fish and scopa tang. Have few crabs/snails and urchins. Tank is a 60 gallon that came from Pices in Calgary. Not set up for sump. Rock in tank is sitting on 4 PVC racks that give the tank stadium effect while keeping back of tank and under rock competely open for better filtration and room for the fish. Includes 2 heaters, Hagen HOB that has been modified to algae filter, modified Prizm skimmer, small HOB charcoal filter, DIY light box including 2 36inch dual bulb HO T5 and 1 55 watt power compact all on seperate cords with cmpt cooling fan. 2 hagen and 1 Seio recirc pump. Stand is a modified oak look china cabinet base that has been reinforced. Works great to hold and hide equipment. Basically this would be a great set up for someone looking to get into reef tanks or that has started with something small and looking to upgrade. I am asking $650 for everything. Check out pics in my album. Please pm me.
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