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Old 05-29-2010, 06:46 PM
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4lti7ude 4lti7ude is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
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Posts: 133
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Hey it sounds like you might have a green water problem.
Just simple water changes will help with this.
Clean out the protien skimmer collection cup of all that bacteria, and scoop out as much debris floating in the water.
If you want you can shoot your rocks with a turkey baster to remove extra debris before doing a water change.

As for the oil-ish looking film, I found that I had that when I was using a Glasstop.
Right when I switched to mesh top (DIY in Tank Journal) the film diapered. Better gas exchange is always good.

Last resort to remove this green stuff is UV Sterilizer imo.

A little more information on your setup would help.

- Size
- Live Stock
- How long has the tank been setup
- Top or no top?

4lti7ude's 20Gallon Nano Tank
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