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Old 05-29-2010, 06:19 PM
pendergast pendergast is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: port alberni, bc
Posts: 28
pendergast is on a distinguished road
Default Newbie Algy Question

I know that certain types of algy build up means different things. I am very new at saltwater aquariums. So here it goes, it looks like i have algy or some kinda crap floating on the surface of the water in my aquarium and oil slicks, was just woundering if this is bad or what it is? the algy looks green in color but i am abit color blind so it could be a different color they are small clumps floating around. I also have lots of algy build up in my protein skimmer, And am unsure about how to clean it out or if its fine to just leave it in?

thank you for your time.
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