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Old 05-28-2010, 12:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Rogue951 View Post
If designed properly then there's little chance for severe disaster.
my system has enough room incase either the return pump or overflow fails that either tank (sump or display) can handle the excess from the other.
as for the aqualifter failing one day, if you keep both ends of the tube underwater and check on the pump once in a while, even if the pump fails, having both pipes submerged will prevent a break in siphon.

And both box overflow and drilled overflow are used to feed a sump so not quite sure what you mean when you say an overflow box is more likely to screw up than a sump. Yes, a bulkhead is cheaper but sometimes that just isn't an option for people.
Haha, im not quite sure what I meant either? Im pretty sure that was supposed to say that a chance of overflow is higher with a hang on overflow than with a drilled tank.

I've heard of many cases of syphon pumps failing. Im just saying that going drilled is a better safety guarantee and unless a tank breaks there is essentially no risk of overflow if set-up right.
No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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