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Old 05-27-2010, 07:22 AM
Fingerling Fingerling is offline
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Fingerling is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by piusma View Post
ANot every ups driver are evil as I've know quite a few good guys, it's their system that is broken.
That could be said of all the people in any industry or govt dept - there are ignorant, lazy individuals and careful, conscientious individuals in every organization.

But when it's a system itself which is broken, it tends to attract ignorant, lazy employees in greater numbers than careful, conscientious ones. The former know via the jobs-grapevine that they can get away with a ton of stuff, and since their primary objective is to have a "cushy" job where supervision is minimal, they apply and then further spread the rot. The more the former are hired, the more the latter flee when they can see that their efforts mean less than nothing, making the system worse daily.

UPS is entrenched system-wide in lack of accountability, from the bottom to the top.
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