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Old 05-27-2010, 07:02 AM
piusma piusma is offline
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Location: Richmond
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piusma is on a distinguished road

A little UPS shipping story for all of you. At work, we ship machines to repair shops and UPS is THE choice as per our policies and we are not supposed to spend any exra $$ on insurance.

No matter how well I package these machines they ALWAYS arrived broken. I would pack the machine in a box and then put it in another box with extra padding and they would still arrive broken. After many shipments we decided that we might just put insurance on one shipment and see what happens. To our surprise the unit came back in one piece, no damage. We have tried quite a few more shipments with insurance after that. The trick is you could insure the package for as little as $100 value and they will handle the packages carefully. I have since learned to put very little insurance on packages to make sure they would arrive in one piece. Not every ups driver are evil as I've know quite a few good guys, it's their system that is broken.
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