FS: Livestock *Updated and New Fish Added"
Haddoni Carpet, purple w/ green tentacles - $60 Sold
Saddleback Clown (currently hosting carpet) - $20 Sold
--Buy Saddleback and Carpet both for $70--
Peacock Mantis 4 1/2" female (beautiful colors) - $40
Oscellaris Clown Pair - $30 Pending
Black Oscellaris Clown - $30 (paid $50 +shipping at J&L) Pending
Tiger Cowrie, Apprx 4" long - $20
Purple Tube Anemone, large w/bright green oral disk - $30 Pending
Sohal Tang 5" Long - $80
Last edited by viperfish; 05-27-2010 at 11:30 PM.