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Old 05-25-2010, 02:23 AM
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Originally Posted by simplycoral View Post

Any Acropora can burn if its placed under lighting thats its not used to. Did you recently add the frag? If so it's best to place it on the bottom for a few days first and then gradually raise it to the desired position. I have burn't acro's before under T5's the PAR can be surprisingly high.. On another note, the tip burn might be from a parameter & not the lighting? Such as Potassium or Alk/Dkh Swing.

BTW if the tissues starts receding, it would be best to clip the affected area off.

Hope this helps.

I got that frag last weekend, however it was under 250 watt MH light which I would think would be more par then my T5 light. The tip isn't burnt it's just swollen like a bubble, and I don't think it has anything to do with parameters because none of my other sps frags seem effected. All the polyps are out and the tissue hasn't receded, so I'm hopeful it will be ok. I did place it lower in the tank and it seems to have helped, the bubble on the top of the branch of frag is still there but the 2 underneath seem to be almost gone.

One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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