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Old 05-23-2010, 06:03 PM
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Rob... Well, if you wanted to keep babies for yourself I dont see the problem (I probably would if some happened to survive, lol). But I certainly would not 'inject' them into the gene pool if you know what I mean? But yeah like, I've seen a fire clown and a cinnamon paired, and stuff like that. Similarly looking fish can do it. I dont know about the viability of the offspring though.

Its possible your fish will stay orange for most of it's life. Like someone mentioned, tomato clowns dont always go red, partially due to captive breeding (I might compare this to horned tomato frogs, whom look terrible captive bred but are bright red in the wild). NOT saying your fish looks terrible though! Lol. But you understand my point.

You could definitely get him (which would become a her if not already) a smaller partner though if you wanted. And an anemone would certainly be cool!


No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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