Near end of the month pic updates and as you can see the SPS are still growing like weeds.
The one tip on this one rtn'd a bit after a hermit got up there picking at it, but has since stopped. It is growing out nicely now and coloring up to a nice purple more and more. I am still trying to determine what type of Acro this one is.
This Tru TriColor is still growing decently. It continues to encrust the base and I am hoping it completes it before the stupid holdfast epoxy decides to let loose.
The Red MontiCap is doing really nicely. It is twice the size as when I first got it and is about a week or two away from starting to encrust on the tonga branch end just behind it.
The Tricolor on the left is starting to show growth now. It has grown about 5cm in the last couple of weeks and it is coloring up purple on the tips.
The previously unknown on the right, is actually a frag of an ORA Joe the Coral. It took a while to determine it for certain as I was juggling between that and blue-tipped tenuis (which is the same thing, but with less white coloring).
The back end of the Joe the Coral and the Tricolor, showing more of the white on the Joe with the long branching that is happening.
The Digis are doing just fine and the purple you can see the new branching happening more now. I am hoping that a portion of one of these branches of both the red and purple chooses to encrust on one of the live rocks for more stability. I don't trust epoxy any more.
The Green Bottlebrush has now began encrusting onto the Tongan Branch, it is also continuing to grow quickly and the new branches are really taking off.