Thread: Is this Dino's?
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Old 05-22-2010, 12:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Tyler Werbowski View Post
Christy - Thanks. Your pretty experience in this hobby as you have had many battles with many pests as I remember from your TOTM article. After 4 months I am beginning to feel like throwing in the towel. If i didn't have $800-$1000 in sps frags I'd give up but I'm not quite ready to give up yet. I may start doing more frequent syphoning and daily basting of the rocks.

At this point I am not seeing any progress.
Do you have someone that can take your corals for a bit? After removing the sandbed and restarting the tank (if that is the route you choose to go) there is hardly a cycle. I found even with powerwashing my rock I didn't have a cycle at all, at least not a noticeable one. I would say you'd only need maybe a week or two before you could put the corals back.

FYI its my understanding that dinoflagellates don't use silicate, only diatoms do so silicates shouldn't be a problem in your tank and if you did have high silicates you would see diatoms flourishing everywhere.
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