Thread: Is this Dino's?
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Old 05-21-2010, 11:32 PM
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Dinos are one of the biggest pain in the butt algaes to deal with, sometimes all the "tried and true" things that people do work for some but not for others. I know I tried everything people told me to: high pH, high alk, low alk, adding a refugium, increasing skimming, decreasing photoperiod, blacked out tank for 2 days, blacked out tank for 4 days (this just succeeded in killing most of the corals, SPS anyways), increasing magnesium, replacing the sandbed...the list went on and on.

I dunno what to tell you, sometimes its good to keep trying but other times, well, you just need to see the writing on the wall and tear the tank down and start over. I fought dinoflagellates for a year before I clued in that nothing I did was going to kill them. As a last ditch effort before I left the hobby I removed the sandbed altogether and powerwashed rock. I haven't seen the dinos since. Sadly, that is my "success" story.
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