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Old 05-21-2010, 02:09 AM
Sebae again Sebae again is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Chilliwack B.C.
Posts: 370
Sebae again is on a distinguished road

I believe BM did not make a mistake early on. They new exactly what they were doing. They looked at the needs of market and made a skimmer that looks like certain ''other'' skimmers and priced it to sell to the masses.Their only mistake might of been their marketing or was it? Maybe originally it was only meant to be sold in Asia because the first time I saw these when they were sold online,the very first thing that came to mind was patent infringement.So now everything seems cool,they are selling like hot cakes,the original price is looked at by various people Hey,I can make more money or have a piece of the pie! Yes to a certain point but when you start putting Caddilac prices on Chevys , the crowds of Chevy customers start leaving. Not that there is any thing wrong with Chevs, it's just that you've lost your market share. Don't worry people.Before too long there will be another skimmer that looks like another certain skimmer which resembles another skimmer at a reasonable price. China never sleeps.