I am going to drop out of this now as it is important for you guys to talk amongst yourselves over this but I will pinpoint some important facts below
1. The MAP price is set by Bubble magus, ALL distributors put on the table what they feel is correct based on market conditions and BM set the MAP from there taking all costs and market influences into consideration. So if you are unhappy with it contact them, we simply put our costs and proposals down and BM thumped the numbers from there based on everyones input.
2. BM is a high grade range, but they made an early mistake in marketing by selling it to anyone at factory prices. This in the short term has created threads just like this as "everyones" expectations were set so price point low. This will take time to reverse but it will do.
3. The product is selling like crazy we cant keep it in stock, same as the other distributors, so does that mean we, BM, other distributors around the world got the price wrong?
4. For the product to have a legitimate right in this maket it needs correct pricing and fair pricing based on current market trends and client expectations. As the product has been well received at these prices BM will not change this, furthermore with these prices the product has become more widely available to more stores so more users have access to the product.
Whichever way, you can continue to blame AQD for the price but then you are ignoring the genuine facts as per the email I placed in the last thread which clearly shows BM controlling our price.
Last edited by Aqua-Digital; 05-20-2010 at 11:35 PM.