Just an FYI Ron, BM shut down supply of Fish street to stop them under selling their product line into the North American market.
You will find it very hard now to source BM from within China directly unless it is old stock, BM have shut everything down to protect their product brand from devaluation.
I have provided a very compelling reason wy BM is now more expensive. BM wants it accessable to all, not the few. If they want to set a price they feel the product is worth irrelevant whether you feel it is justified based on a very blinkered view and not looking at long term growth of a company, then this is up to them.
Lets put it another way, we imported nearly $20K of bubble magus in April, we sold all of it, and so did dealers, I think that is enough proof the price is set fairly at a price people think the product is worth, if not, simply put, we would be stuck with a whole lot of kit.
So the product sells well at this price, clients love the product, build quality and support, so I fail to see the problem other than the select few as always looking for a rock bottom bargain with no care what so ever of long term effects this sort of thing has on the survivability of our hobbies dealers
Go get a BM bucket shipped direct from china "if you could even source one" and then let me know what they would charge you in shipping. OOPs I have the answer here $48 direct to your door just for the shipping!
Not exactly $25 bucket anymore eh!
As i said above, the product sells at these very reasonable prices and if you had not sen what they were being sold for direct before, then we would not be having this discussion, and in 6 months from now when the masses have access to the product and many new lines have been introduced, providing the client is happy, which seems they are, whjy should a factory bend to the few that just want "that deal"
Lets all bow down to Walmart and Ebay and look at what they have done to the global economy, wahoo mega cheap prices, suppliers struggling to stay in business to keep up with consumer greed for far reduced MAP prices way below product worth, and where will we all be in 10 years? Sourcing out of China direct to appease the few that dont see past their own view point and dont care who suffers down the supply chain.
Sad world we live in it really is.
Accept a product price or dont buy it, move on. Debating it here is changing nothing and certianly does not change any market strategy when we are stretched already to meet consumer demand.