I used rowaphos exclusively for a full year but recently switched to BRS HC GFO three months ago because of all of the popularity and hype surrounding it. Its hard to quantify the difference but the BRS product does lower the phophate in my system more than the rowaphos would and lasts longer. I only have an Elos kit for testing but with rowaphos I would always get a slight blue tint to the vial. With BRS it is clear and stays clear for two months. Both have been instrumental in my battle with bryopsis and both have helped. But I've noticed a greater difference in its decline since I swtiched to BRS. Also, the chaeto I try to grow in my refugium have virtually stopped growing.
On my 270gal system I used to use 1 cup of rowaphos and change it monthly, presently I'm using one cup of BRS and changing it every two months.