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Old 05-20-2010, 04:13 PM
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Chowder Chowder is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Surrey BC
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I was going to purchase the BM 180 CS when they first were being offered by a Canadian Supplier. The landed cost was advertised for $349 Ca in the beginning of january. The cost went up about 20 days later to $399. I asked then why the price had changed and as told it was due to shipping prices from all 3 shippers came in 15% higher and the rate of exchange has gone from 1.02 to 1.08 at time of ordering and paying. BM has also set the MAP prices at above this, but we are negotiating down for you.The only thing that will ever change these figures now is if the USD goes above 1.10. Now that the Skimmers have officially hit the market the BM 180CS is going for $489-$499. At the $50 dollar price change I thought I can see that miscalculations in shipping might occur and the fluctuating canadian dollar might attribute to this. $150 dollar change I was done and am now looking to get a cheaper proven Skimmer instead.

I did notice though the BM 150 Pro that was originally posted at $309 I believe went up about $40 bucks to $349 20 days after the original post. It now sells for $379. This skimmer was not effected by the above reasoning as much as the Cone Skimmers.
