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Old 05-19-2010, 07:39 PM
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VFX VFX is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Vancouver BC
Posts: 405
VFX is on a distinguished road

Mine was a royal PITA to feed.

After several long weeks of attempting silversides, mysis & brine shrimp I gave in & fed him a variety of different live fresh water shrimp & ghost shrimp.

I fed the shrimp on selcon & garlic soaked foods for added nutrition.

As & when I could get it, I also fed live brine shrimp, which were also gut loaded with selcon beforehand. The frogfish eventually got used to associating brine shrimp as a tasty treat & would occasionally eat that too when I fed the other fish in the tank.

He only ever ate silversides about 2 times in 2 years.

Feeding this thing has cost me a small fortune!

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