150 Gal SPS Tank Journal *Pics of New Lighting*
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05-18-2010, 12:21 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Dawson Creek
Posts: 684
A bit of a change of plans. The location I had my tank in was a little too unstable for my liking. I had the tank about 3/4 full of water and there seemed to be too much deflection in the floor so I decided to move it to the opposite corner where I had an exterior wall and main beam intersecting. My living room was full of salt buckets and one large rain barrel, not winning any points with the Wife for sure. I also decided to paint the back. It was bugging me not having everything hidden so out comes the Krylon. The rest of the setup went fine. Here are some pics of the progress to date. I still need to set up my dosing pumps and water change tank but everything else is fully functional.
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