Originally Posted by untamed
Here's the sequence of events...draw your own conclusions:
1) SpG of the tank falls from 1.025 to around 1.022
2) Pulsing Xenia self distructs completely! Total meltdown. This, of itself, was not really of concern to me. I've seen Xenia do this before. It usually comes back, but if it doesn't I'm not going to get upset about it's loss.
3) Achilles Tang breaks out in worst ich ever. Won't eat.
4) I've rapidly adjusted the SpG back up to 1.025.
The Achilles became so lethargic that I was able to reach in and basically hand-catch him. Those of you who are familiar with achilles tangs would know this is REALLY lethargic. I dropped him into a bucket of FW (at tank temp) to try to relieve him of some of the parasites. This puts the fish into some kind of rigor and I could only stand to leave him in there for about 1 minute.
Thinking he was basically frozen still, I was only holding him loosely in my hand when I removed him from the FW. He exploded in violent flipping and I was lucky to throw him across the top of the tank where he bounced off the top of the light fixture and back into the tank!
He seems much better this morning. I suppose we'll see.
Brad, IMO I don't think the lowered SG made the Ich worse as the Ich parasite needs higher SG levels. I believe the lower SG stressed the Achilles and thus made it a target for the parasites in your system.