I had one for 3 years and ended up passing it on to someone with a much larger tank size than mine where it is living now. It is a very active fish and mine ate frozen food along with the tangs that I had it with, however, they are constantly picking at the live rock for as long as your photo period is. My rock went from purple to white over the course of several months as they do eat the rock in search for various algae and will eat dead coral as well. Since I had committed to this fish, I ended up adding a second sump full of live rock that I would exchange with rock in the tank. It did not touch my leather corals or hammer corals, but anything else was open season. If you are going to go down this road, have lots of rock as they will pick it clean and best suited for a FOWLR setup. I would also suggest a very good skimmer and regular water changes as every night they make a cocoon and that creates lots of excess waste.
I did enjoy the fish though, it was a very timid specimen that after time would be the first to the top of the tank to great me.