Originally Posted by bvlester
Is there a date set yet?
I was hoping to get some replies from Starry and H2o2 about their schedules as both work out of town. No offense to anyone, but I would prefer to pick a date so they both could come. Starry has supported previous frag swaps, and always has nice frags. H2o2 is a very knowledgeable reefer to have around, and he likes to talk a lot which is good for these meetings :P
Originally Posted by StirCrazy
If it is allowed I may show up just to meat some reefers up
here beside Bill  . weekends are a little tough for me so I cant say for sure but i'll try.
Frag swaps are a social event! This makes me think I need to get back on starting up a local reef club...
Originally Posted by bvlester
Steve I would thing that you would be allowed without a dought as you are a member and a very good contributer to the forum. You can not help it if moving and getting every thing agonized is your priority right now. Once settled in you will set that tank up. It would be nce to see you there.
Maybe the jealousy of all the frags might get him to setup a tank finally
Anyhow, we're definitely getting closer.. 1 months to go! Will have to make a choice within the week on the date.