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Old 05-09-2010, 07:44 PM
sitandwatch sitandwatch is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Calgary
Posts: 215
sitandwatch is on a distinguished road

Quick up date as I am tired and need a nap after wining the mothers day race this morning

So last night I figured I should waste some time at Red Coral and visit Doug, got there 15min before they closed.

Ran into a few other canreefers and with Doug they all ganged up on me a forced me to buy some new fish.

So I walked out with a Pink Tail Trigger and a Niger Trigger.

So far they are hiding in the rocks mostly the pink tail comes out once and a while.

I can still count all my inverts and even saw the pink tail hanging with a shrimp hope they become friends

Will take some photos when they are less shy.

Looking forward to spending some more money next week as I heard a rumor about some fish coming in
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