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Old 05-08-2010, 03:18 AM
sitandwatch sitandwatch is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Calgary
Posts: 215
sitandwatch is on a distinguished road

Decided I wanted to change the scape around and now much happier moved a rock into lower flow area for the hammer and acans if needed, and now the Vortech on the left can run full tilt and any fish that wants can ride the treadmill can.

Finally saw the wrasse swim to the half way point of the tank but he spends most of his time in the rock structure on the left hand side of the tank hiding a lot.

No one seems to be really eating yet accept for the crabs?? figure they are still getting used to there extra 70 gals, but everything seems healthy even the shrimp.

Added in a few more photos of the new scape and a better photo of the lid that I created.

Still trying to figure out what I am going to add for fish still want but here is my short list
- Dwarf golden eel, this will happen just have to be patient.
- Really Really want a cross hatch trigger but really really can't justify the cost so if you have one or see one for a great deal let me know.
- A tang of some sort, not sure what yet so taking suggestions?

News flash just saw the wrasse swim to the other side of the tank, then back to his rock home just gotta see him eat and I will be happy.

Oh here are the photos.

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