Does my stock list look ok?
Here is the stock list I am thinking about for my 34 Solana. Please let me know if you think everything will go together or not.
Already have:
Pair of Occ. Clownfish
Lemeonpeel Angel
Purple tip and regular Frogspawn. (May be removed later if needed)
Wanting of adding:
Royal Gramma
1 or2 of the following:
Blue Stripe Neon Goby or
Greenbaned Goby or
Tail Spot Blenny or
Green Clown Goby
Going to add:
BTA, 3 or 4 different colors, like Rose, green, rainbow.
How many and which ones on the above can I add? Also I think the Sexy Shrimp are cool too. Can I add it to any of these combo's and not get eaten?
I know the Lemonpeel will nip at most LPS but will it be ok with the frogpawn and the BTA's? I may add a short tenacle plate coral too and see if will be be safe with the angel. I know I am limited with corals with the angel, but that is ok, it will be mainly a BTA tank.