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Old 05-07-2010, 06:05 AM
ickmagnet ickmagnet is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Surrey
Posts: 123
ickmagnet is on a distinguished road

Thanks for that bloodasp.

So far so good with mine.

I did notice one thing however. I mentioned earlier that they were completely silent. this is not true. My reeflo pump was shut down for 2 days and as a result, I could hear a lot of other things going on in the tank. One of them was a soft click you would hear every minute or so when the pumps turned on and off. this was likely happening on the first day i got them but just was not noticable due to the pump noise.

Having said that, the noise is not loud or annoying and the pumps continue to work fine.

Still recommending them!
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