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Old 05-07-2010, 01:37 AM
Zerandise Zerandise is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Victoria B.C.
Posts: 329
Zerandise is on a distinguished road
Default selling my livestock - SOLD


About 40lbs of very nice and healthy 8 year old live rock. $4.50 a lbs
a few hundred zoo's of many colors. Depending on the size of rock it is on but most would have 30 to 100 heads. 30 would be like $25 plus the rocck
A nice purple and green plate coral. $30
a green/purple moni cap that is 6" wide by 5" tall. She is starting to die so the first $35 gets it. I would hate to see it die as it started out the size of a loonie
About 30 purple and blue spotted mushrooms. $5 a polyp or so depending on how many mouths and size of rock
About 30 green hairy mushrooms. 3 per mouth but less the more the rock as
A sadleback Clown. $30
2 tube anemonies, 1 deep purple the other bright orange with a half white half green mouth. $15 each
a couple brittle stars. $10
about 30lbs of very nice live sand that ios greatly aged

Last edited by Zerandise; 05-09-2010 at 01:52 AM.
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