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Old 05-06-2010, 01:06 PM
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Aqua-Digital Aqua-Digital is offline
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So what am I dosing then? Oh ok I will tell.

every 14 days ProdiBio BioDigest and BioPtim

The bio digest is a slow release bacterial additive and the BioPtim is the food source for the bacteria. I chose this option over FM bio and Bak as i hate doing so many daily doses, furthermore the water went Gin clear after starting this dosing regime and my nitrates and Phosphates are non existant.

Prodibio without doubt is the most simplest method to achieve Low nutrients in my experince so far, dose once every two weeks and let the little ampoule contents do their job. Results = zero nutrients and Gin clear water

For coral supplementation I am following the Fauna marin balling method and it is this i account my colour to. I know there is a huge debate about high quality salts and the use of trace elements. Well my view is I had none of this colour until I started the balling with trace elements, so??????????????

I am also adding
FM ultra Min-s 1ml a day
FM Ultra Amin - 2ml a day

Carbon was ESV but now switching to FM Ultra carb-L

I will be introducing to the mix prodiBio reef booster once I have done 6 weeks on the bacterial elements I will then stop Ultra min-s and Amin