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Old 05-04-2010, 06:46 PM
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Originally Posted by DiverDude View Post
I wouldn't do that. Manufacturing is a game of pennies and no one puts materials where they don't serve a purpose. That brace is there for a reason and removing it may not cause immediate disaster but you increase your chances by reducing the overall strength.

Even the flimsy braces are very strong in tension (which is how they are stressed when the tank is holding water).

I would suggest you leave it.
I agree!!

On my 33 gallon, I cracked the center brace when moving the tank into place.
I glued it back together and it held for a few months. I was digging around in the tank and pushed on the brace by mistake. The glass has bowed out to have a 1/4" gap in the brace.

So, yes, they surve a purpose. I'd leave it inplace unless you intend to eurobrace the tank.

The tank is still holding water without it, but it is weaker than if that brace was intact.
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