Thread: Silentciv's 55G
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Old 05-04-2010, 01:13 AM
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silentcivilian silentcivilian is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Stony Rapids, Saskatchewan
Posts: 249
silentcivilian is on a distinguished road

Ok... update!! march 6th, march 25th, may 5th. birds nests

By photo.. including the new stuff from RC today.. I must say.. I have a love hate with RC.. I love going in.. hate all the temptation.. so here it is.. updates! View and enjoy.

Now I realise some of my rock work looks crappy.. and thats cause it is. I had to go chase a fish that was sick and I didnt want to kill the rest of my fish with this.. so I broke my rock by accident.. But.. ill be moving (dear god I fear this day) and Ill fix the rock work that day and hopefully be back to somthing beautiful

The furthest Ive seen my sun coral open thus far.. but in contrast to all the sun coral I see at all the LFS shops around the city.. my little guys.. are giants.. like 3 times the size of other groups.. so I think they are working up to coming out as it is likely alot of work to move all that mass.

New today. Generic SPS the best kind. Currently on a scrap peice of LR till its adjusted to my tank.. then Ill find a more suitable spot. Till then, bottom with brain and sun is all good. I believe its a green slimer.. but could be wrong..

Ahh.. Zoos.. what would I do without you.. ya.. more zoos and ill say.. RC was not having a good day.. So i rolled the dice and went with these guys.. I say RC bad day for zoos cause they were all closed.

Florida Ricos.. How can you say no.. really... Look at the little shits.. just awesome little guys!

Here is a poorly photo edited shot of SPS growth.. So how it works.. left to right. March 6 from bag to rock. Then March 25 when friend came over with nicer camera than mine... and lastly. May 5th.

Now some more random shots of my tank.

In today's world of nearly instant everything and what is exceptional today is only par tomorrow. My Reef is the only place where I must wait, and do so with glee.

Last edited by silentcivilian; 05-06-2010 at 02:33 AM. Reason: Found better pics to share that were less huge.
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