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Old 05-02-2010, 05:17 PM
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Default Update

So I thought it about time I updated this thread. While I was away in Mexico my tank sitter way over fed the tank I came home to a layer of rotten food covering the bottom of the tank Amazingly everything is ok. I also added a rio nano skimmer which is helping.

While Mike aka asmodeus was visiting he bought me 5 new sps frags They were all doing really good until I decided to move everything out of the tank and give it a really thural cleaning on friday night, they are still doing ok but not as good as before I moved everything. Basically this week (on Wed. night) my frogfish started eating silversides YAY! Just to make sure it was going to happen again I fed him another one Thurs. night, which he ate. So I thought I'd take the remaining 4 damsels out of the tank. However after a 1/2 hour of trying I realized it was getting late and I'd probably have to take out all the rock to catch them, so I thought I'd wait until the weekend to do it. Unfortunately when I got home Friday night I noticed there was only 2 damsels left

So I moved everything out of the tank; caught the damsels, cleaned a lot of gunk out of the bottom of the tank, waited for the water to clear, re-arranged the rock and corals and put the frogfish back in. This took the majority of the night to do, and while I saved my damsels from my frogfish, I'm not sure if they are still alive or if my grouper ate them I didn't want to put them in my reef tank because I didn't want them harassing my wrasses and gobies so that's why I put them in the fowlr tank. They are pretty small and just might be hiding right now, I guess time will tell, but I didn't see them in there yesterday. My only loss after cleaning everything was a cool anemone crab. I found him in the rock before I went to mexico, but forgot about him when I was taking rock out and moving everything, found him dead yesterday.

Pic.'s to come right away I just forgot to upload them 1st before writing all this

GRRRRRRR not sure why (maybe I'm maxed out for pic.'s?) but photobucket isn't giving me an option to download any pic.'s? Ok so it's going to be "one of those days" the reason it wasn't working was because I wasn't logged in!
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie

Last edited by fishoholic; 05-02-2010 at 05:52 PM.
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