Originally Posted by don.ald
there may have been something wrong with the crabs prior to putting them into your system. i would think that the crabs, if healthy to begin with, would have eaten the snails before starving.
just a thought
yes that was also the thought of a LFS I trust. He thought if they were weak to begin with there may have been a disease that took over. But his main thought also was that they starved. I have read that the crabs will kill snails for there shells. The snails I bought are alot bigger than the crabs. I don't know if that makes a difference.
I really didn't think that I would have been sold something (really an obvious NEWBIE) without being told that I may have to supplement the food supply. I would have happily bought food for them. I guess I chaulk this one up to lesson #1 GO SLOW AND TRUST YOUR SOURCE
Thanks for your input.