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Old 05-01-2010, 09:14 PM
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naesco naesco is offline
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Unless your cycle did not complete it is likely your hermits died of starvation.
Hermits are predators, they eat all the tiny critters that coral and small fish eat so they are never a good idea. Keep one or two and return the rest to the LFS.

Your snails will die of starvation as there is nothing in your tank to feed them. Keep 6 or so and return the remaining ones to the LFS.
If there is no algae in your tank soak some nori and place it on the bottom with a small rock to hold it down.

Remember to resist the urge to go out and stock your tank with fish. In a couple of weeks buy a fish (ask here for advice before you buy) and only place one fish per month in your tank.
A good reading source which you can buy at the LFS is Robert Fenner, the Conscientious Marine Aquarist.
A great online source is

Good luck and thanks for posting.
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