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Old 04-30-2010, 05:39 PM
sonymdcdvcd sonymdcdvcd is offline
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Default FS: Frags and LR - EDM

Hi All,

As mentioned in the hardware section, I've decided to shut down my tank as work and school have consumed my life. I have the following for sale:

2 Frogspawn #2 5 Heads (or $4/head) $20
3 Birds Nest 4" Wide $15
4 Toadstool (Attached to large live rock) 4"+ Wide $30
5 Zoo (Orange centre with Green sides) at least 60 polyps $60

7 Large Frogspawn 6" Wide (approx. 25 heads) $60
8 Zoo (Green centre) 20+ polyps on live rock $30

10 Hammer Coral #2 ~10 heads or ($4/head) $35
11 Dwarf Flame Angel $35
12 Live Rock over 200 pounds @ $3.00/pd

This tank and inhabitants have been running for over a year and a half.

Pics are also available upon request.

Thanks for looking.

Last edited by sonymdcdvcd; 05-08-2010 at 11:40 PM. Reason: Updated List
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